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  • Sep10Thu

    What’s the big deal about ratios?

    September 10, 2015
    Filed Under:
    Policies and Procedures

    When planning a program for children and young people you may be required by law to demonstrate compliance with a set of provincial or state requirements. For school-age programs, these will include issues such as food-handling, child sign-in, and sign-out procedures, building cleanliness, child-to-staff ratios, space requirements, and requirements for the types of activities offered.

    Research in all areas of education has shown that low staff to child ratios are critical for learning to take place. Also, one of the ways an organization can demonstrate that they are fulfilling their duty of care to their staff and volunteers is to manage appropriately child-to-staff ratios.

  • Aug17Mon

    Why update policies?

    August 17, 2015
    Filed Under:
    Policies and Procedures

    Five years ago, I was invited to attend a conference on risk management.  The auditorium was filled with Senior Leadership of organizations that service the vulnerable sector.  I had the privilege of sitting on a panel of peers, many who were experts in their field of corporate law, criminal law, liability insurance, police, and abuse prevention workers.  

    A question was asked, “Have we seen the end of the additional requirements that will be placed on us, to qualify for abuse coverage?”

  • The countdown’s on - we are weeks away from another program year.  Many organizations take a well-earned break during the summer months but they know they may need to recruit additional staff or volunteers for the Fall.
  • When I was a young girl (in the 60’s) I can remember admiring young people[1]!  I couldn’t wait until I could wear stiletto heels, have sleepovers, drive in convertibles, chew tobacco (I never did this one), and be a camp counsellor, like the teens around me.

    My role models (good and bad) helped shape my young years.  So, when  I was 15 years of age I began volunteering in the summers working with children at camps and missions, and during the school year as a Candy Striper in a Veterans Hospital.  They were happy days where I was able to give back and become a role model to many.  I learned many rewarding skills and gained terrific experience...

    We definitely think it’s a great idea to utilize young people to work with children. Here are 20 important things to keep in mind when working with youth volunteers and staff ...

  • To be truthfully honest, I am a little surprised. I like to believe the best about our clients, but some of you have bought into a lie or there is a complete misconception. I’m not sure whose eyes you are trying to pull the wool over but, I am going to be tough on you here! I am beginning to believe some of you are taking short-cuts and trying to find loopholes in your policies and procedures.

  • Jun29Mon

    Schools out for summer!

    June 29, 2015
    Filed Under:
    Policies and Procedures
    School is out for summer!  As we applaud young people for their diligent efforts this year, we also applaud caregivers for the time and resource investment that they have made in the lives of children and youth.  We can all make a huge sigh of relief that another school year is complete.  

    But can we?  
  • May25Mon

    The Spirit of Plan to Protect®

    May 25, 2015
    Filed Under:
    Policies and Procedures

    With all the news stories of abuse, it truly astounds me that organizations are still struggling with the value, importance and purpose of abuse prevention and protection. I am left wondering, has there been a communication breakdown? Have we miscommunicated the purpose, importance and value of Plan to Protect®? Why after 20 years, are organizations servicing the vulnerable sector (the people group most susceptible to abuse), still resisting the need to be on high alert to individuals who could harm those they love.

  • Apr20Mon

    Hidden Risks - Assessing the Risk

    April 20, 2015
    Filed Under:
    Policies and Procedures
    Newspaper headlines:
    “Pedophile volunteered at local church.”
    “Camp Counsellor engage in inappropriate communication with camper!”
    “Family members charge Not-for-Profit organization leaders for undue influence with deceased mother’s Last Will.”

    Unfortunately these news headlines in themselves don’t surprise us anymore.  However, when we take the time to read the details of the story, we may be surprised by the circumstances. 
  • One area where we believe there is increased vulnerability is when organizations partner with other community groups to run a program. We often hear about two or three organizations teaming up to hold a day camp, youth events, or large community outreach.  Partnering together speaks volumes to your community that you are working together with a common purpose.  A benefit of these partnerships is to combine your resources to provide a stronger program.  

    However, it is in these scenarios that there are questions as to who is ultimately responsible. 

  • Knowing that the task is too big for one person, and the skills needed to be successful are quite varied, we recommend that a committee be formed to bring oversight to Plan to Protect®.

    Some of the skills and gifts needed are:

    1. Leadership, including the ability to make difficult and painful decisions when it is not popular.  Also, someone who may be privy to confidential information when approving individuals who will be placed in a position of trust;
    2. Administration (there is a lot of paperwork and organization required);
    3. Ability to teach adults and youth in an engaging and inspiring manner;
    4. Conscientious, to keep to the task and not let the ball drop;
    5. Discernment, as you will need to listen to that still small voice (and sometimes your gut) to say no to some people who wish to have access to the vulnerable individuals whom you serve.