It's something no organization or leader wishes to think about or indeed has time to contemplate. But in today's frenzied world it is likely that you and your organization will one day come face to face with a crisis of one kind or another. It's not a question of if; it's a question of when. A member of your staff or someone closely connected to you is arrested and charged with a serious offense. Or you are attacked online, verbally or even physically. A politician or public figure attacks you in a public way. An accusation or allegation is lobbied against your organization or a staff/volunteer member. The media comes calling. What would you do? Are your ready Plan to Protect®!
This course is designed for board members and senior leadership in organizations that work with or serve the vulnerable sector. We will address crisis response and management prior to the crisis, hearing about a crisis - the first 24 hours, when the media calls - in the eye of the storm, after the storm dies down and managing a crisis of vulnerable sector abuse and harassment. Through readings, video instruction and course assignments, participants will learn how to respond to and manage a crisis. Participants will receive downloadable resources, feedback and support. Let's raise the bar on protection!
In the Crisis Response and Management Certification Course participants will learn how to respond and manage a crisis. As a result of this course you will:
For more information please get in touch with our training department either by phone or by email.
Price per course: $749 per course plus text and taxes.
Note: Member and License discounts apply. Volume discounts available. Please note cancellation policies.