Business grant allows local enterprise to keep team intact.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce recently announced Plan to Protect as a recipient of a $10,000 grant from the Canadian Business Resilience Network Small Business Relief Fund.
Melodie Bissell is the Founder and President of Plan to Protect, a social enterprise located in Stouffville that provides abuse prevention and protection to organizations servicing the vulnerable sector globally. The company services 12,500 volunteer-driven organizations in North America including care homes, sports clubs, churches, community clubs, municipalities, and transportation companies.
“On behalf of Plan to Protect we are so grateful for this grant,” says Bissell. “COVID-19 has impacted so many businesses, us included. It is devastating after spending so many years growing the business to have the phones stop ringing and witness revenue streams come to a halting stop. Our world has changed, business is no longer, business as usual, but the needs have not changed. Children, youth and vulnerable adults still need protection and safety. I am so grateful for the Chamber and SalesForce Canada recognizing the work we do. This grant will enable us to continue to keep our team intact, enabling us to meet ongoing needs within our communities.”
More than 1100 small businesses across Canada applied for the 62 grants available. The recipients were those that best demonstrated how the business will use the grant to change or innovate, how the change or innovation will sustain the business’s recovery and allow it to prosper, and how the grant will support the role each business plays in their community.
“We have seen businesses all over Stouffville working hard to adapt to this unprecedented time. Plan to Protect is a shining example of what a great organization can do, even when faced with significant obstacles. We are proud to have them as a member.” Karen Wootton, Executive Director, Stouffville Chamber of Commerce.
The fund was managed by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and made possible through the generosity of Salesforce.
“We saw how determined these entrepreneurs are to preserve their employees’ jobs and to serve their customers and their communities.” said Perrin Beatty, President and CEO, Canadian Chamber.
“It has been incredible to see the resilience coming from Canada’s small business owners over the last few months. We know it hasn’t been easy,” said Margaret Stuart, Canada Country Manager, Salesforce. “The applicants have further demonstrated what we at Salesforce already knew to be true – that Canada is rich with innovation and entrepreneurial talent. We’re hopeful that these grants will provide essential support to small business owners as they return to work.”
A complete list of the winners can be found here.
Click here for the local press release.
I’m writing with both exciting news and sad news. In the Fall, I accepted Tori’s resignation from Plan to Protect® and her role with as Director of Training effective May 31, 2019.
This marks a new chapter for her, as she moves to Rift Valley Academy in Kenya, Africa to serve as Child Safety Coordinator. What a wonderful role for her combining her teaching degree, her calling to missions, and her six years of experience with Plan to Protect®.
At Plan to Protect® we are heartbroken to have Tori leave our team for she has made tremendous contributions to Plan to Protect® including the development of our on-line school, our on-line certification training, the development of our second level certification training, our Crisis Management Certification course, redesign of our website, and launch of PROTECT magazine. Her passion, dedication and creativity have made a lasting impact – she will be dearly missed.
But we are also thrilled and overjoyed to see the calling on her life to protect 500 missionary children and nationals that live in a boarding school setting away from their parents. We know her education and experience will have such a significant impact on an institution that is 100+ years old, employs many staff, and serves many families, denominations, mission organizations. (As you can imagine as Tori’s mom, I am really proud of the woman Tori has become).
We have begun the search process to find a candidate to replace Tori. If you are interested in reviewing the job posting, please check out the career section of our website.
If Tori has made an impact on you or your organization, would you consider taking a moment during the next few months to drop her an email, I am sure will encourage her heart. If you would like to receive Tori’s newsletter, learn more about this new adventure, or how you can help, please send her an email to let her know. Tori's email is
I am sure you will agree with the team of Plan to Protect®, we are very sad to see Tori leave, but eager to hear how Tori applies her knowledge and experience to Rift Valley Academy. We know that Rift Valley Academy will be blessed by her dedication and commitment to safety and protection.
Over the course of the past ten years we have grown our network of members from a small handful of members in 2007 to hundreds of members in 2017. Our last increase in membership fees was early 2011. As of January 2018, we are restructuring our Membership packages, and will be moving from an organization size-based pricing to revenue-based pricing. Therefore, our Membership fees are subject to a change, which will impact 65% of our members with an increase in membership fees, and 24% of our members with a decrease in membership fees.
This change will bring more clarity as we grow our network of members moving forward and ensure equity for all.
Along with this fee structure change, you will be pleased to know we have added new benefits
We trust this will not come as too much of a surprise, and that you will continue to find tremendous value in our on-going support as you strive to achieve the HIGHEST STANDARD of protection.
For more information about becoming a Plan to Protect® Member, Click Here.
If you have questions about the coming changes, please don't hesitate to contact us.At Plan to Protect® we are constantly striving to provide updated and current information. One of the ways we do that is by adding new resources to the Member Section of our website. Over the course of 2017, we have added the following policies, appendices, webinars, resources and articles to the library of resources on our Member Section.
NEW Policies
NEW Appendix
Recorded Webinars
Together, Organizations Increase Protection for Children and Vulnerable Adults
Fort Collins, CO, March XX, 2017— The need to mitigate risk and vet volunteers who care for children, youth and vulnerable adults is crucial. To that end, Verified Volunteers, a leading background screening service for non-profit organizations, and Plan to Protect have partnered to provide greater protection for organizations serving vulnerable populations. Plan to Protect’s expertise in abuse prevention and protection along with Verified Volunteers’ high quality background screening solutions helps organizations develop a comprehensive safety program to protect people and assets while providing peace of mind.
Verified Volunteers supports nonprofit organizations serving vulnerable populations nationwide and across all major service sectors including youth development, education/mentoring, social and human services, healthcare, faith-based and sports. Together, Verified Volunteers and Plan to Protect encourage a strategic, holistic approach to risk management focused on the critical combination of high quality, accurate and compliant background checks and robust safety assessment and training, emphasizing organizational best practices.
“Our research shows that the number of organizations serving vulnerable populations is on the rise. Our expectation must be that the most vulnerable among us are served in an environment free of physical, sexual or psychological harm,” says Katie Zwetzig, Executive Director, Verified Volunteers. “We have expanded the breadth and depth of background checks available to volunteer programs and have worked to close other potential gaps that might challenge organizations through products such as identity validation. By partnering with Plan to Protect, we add another highly effective security and protection option for those organizations we work with to even better mitigate risk within the service sector.”
“The issue of physical and sexual abuse and safety remains a huge concern for volunteer-based organizations who are serving the vulnerable sector. For organizations like these, abuse prevention and protection needs to be a strategic initiative,” says Melodie Bissell, President, Plan to Protect. “Organizations have an obligation to demonstrate a duty of care to the populations they serve and to their volunteers and employees. Together with Verified Volunteers, we can offer a safeguarding solution that helps organizations prevent and protect against abuse.”
About Plan to Protect
Plan to Protect provides the highest standard of abuse prevention to organizations servicing the vulnerable sector. Plan to Protect works with organizations to ensure a safe environment and to identify and prevent abuse by means of assessment, implementation and recognition. Plan to Protect offers customized policies, procedures, risk assessments, policy audits, certification training for trainers and administrators, on-site facilitators for orientation and refresher training and on-line training for abuse prevention screening services.
About Verified Volunteers
Verified Volunteers helps nonprofit organizations gain confidence in their volunteers by delivering thorough, compliant background checks using a sophisticated suite of federal, national, state and local criminal locator tools. Extensive expertise in screening and compliance best practices helps clients recruit the best volunteers to maintain a safe environment and positive reputation. By enabling volunteers to order, manage and share their background checks via a secure online platform, Verified Volunteers creates a community of vetted volunteers. Verified Volunteers is backed by Sterling Talent Solutions, one of the world’s largest background screening companies and is partnered with Points of Light, the world's largest organization dedicated to volunteer service.
Media Contacts:
Katie Zwetzig, Verified Volunteers
(970) 232-3550
Melodie Bissell, Plan to Protect
Jackie Jusko
Boxcat Creative for Verified Volunteers
(415) 460-9984
For the past twenty years, Plan to Protect™ has been the Abuse Prevention Manual used by over 10,000 churches in Canada, United States and beyond. Along with the manual, the popular certification program has been sought after by Church Administrators, Trainers, staff and volunteers.
TORONTO, Oct. 28, 2016 - PRNewswire - Plan to Protect™, an international leader in the area of abuse prevention through its certification, resources, training, policy writing services, speaking, and consulting services, announced today the launch of the latest version of the popular abuse prevention manual,Plan to Protect™, now updated for churches in the United States.
"As the name of the manual implies, the process of protecting our children does require planning, procedures and training. It could be overwhelming but it is an absolutely critical task to implement and monitor safe environments. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel when there is an excellent tool available that makes customization of policies and the follow-through a manageable task," said Melodie Bissell, President and CEO of Plan to Protect™.
Bissell went on to say, "For over two decades, we have seen great success as many faith communities and non- profits have risen to the challenge to protect children and youth. However, there is no shortage of news headlines reinforcing the fact that our work is nowhere near complete and so we aim to constantly improve our resource and service offering while also attempting to impact more and more organizations."
Scott R. Konrad, Senior Vice President, Willis of New York, Inc. writes, "Having devoted the majority of my career to managing and insuring the risks of religious and secular nonprofits, I know well the pitfalls of having inadequate protection for their most vulnerable constituents. Plan to Protect™ provides a cost-effective, comprehensive, turnkey risk management solution that can be easily adapted to the specific needs of any religious entity -- from the parish church to a denominational headquarters. I know of no other resource providing this depth and quality of actionable, hands-on content approaching this price point, and I recommend Plan to Protect™ to any institution seeking to fortify its youth risk management programming."
About Plan to Protect™:
Plan to Protect™ provides the HIGHEST STANDARD of abuse prevention and protection for organizations servicing the vulnerable sector. This is accomplished through our commitment to provide the certification, tools, training and momentum to help win the race against abuse.
The 250 page, beautifully formatted, manual includes five key chapters and word document downloads.
The manual can be purchased on line at for $59.99 plus shipping.
Plan to Protect™ includes the following content:
Learn more about Plan to Protect™ and their certification, training and resources at, or visit them on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn. Also download the PlanToProtect App on the iTunes Store.
Early Tributes to Plan to Protect™
"Ignoring wolves does not make them go away or erase their crimes. Ignoring victims does not magically make them heal. It's time we take seriously the ways of the Good Shepherd who laid down his life – His comfort, His reputation, His will – for His wounded sheep. That is why I'm grateful to recommend this resource, carefully created by Plan to Protect™. Here you will find the information and wisdom needed to not only protect children, but to help each church become a beautiful place of healing and redemption."
- Mary DeMuth, Author, Not Marked: Finding Hope and Healing After Sexual Abuse
"We are thrilled to come together into a national partnership with Plan to Protect™ – an organization at the forefront of safety and abuse prevention training. Plan to Protect™ provides extensive expertise in the safety and abuse prevention field with their programming, materials, and extremely knowledgeable staff. Their ability to successfully and effectually train organizations serving vulnerable populations is unmatched. With this partnership, Verified Volunteers is excited to add another highly effective security and protection measure to our arsenal of products. We are now equipped to better mitigate risk within the service sector."
- Katie Zwetzig, Executive Director, Verified Volunteers
About the Editor and co-author, Melodie Bissell
Melodie Bissell is the Founder and President of Plan to Protect™, which provides the HIGHEST STANDARD of abuse prevention and protection to organizations servicing the vulnerable sector globally.
Melodie is the co-author of the bestselling Plan to Protect™ manuals: Plan to Protect®: A Protection Manual for Children and Youth, and those that work with them and four Pocket Guides of Plan to Protect™ Best Practices, for Children, Youth, Vulnerable Adults, and Disability Initiatives.
Melodie is currently working towards her Doctorate of Ministry at University of Toronto on the Spiritual Healing of Victim Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse.