I’m writing with both exciting news and sad news. In the Fall, I accepted Tori’s resignation from Plan to Protect® and her role with as Director of Training effective May 31, 2019.
This marks a new chapter for her, as she moves to Rift Valley Academy in Kenya, Africa to serve as Child Safety Coordinator. What a wonderful role for her combining her teaching degree, her calling to missions, and her six years of experience with Plan to Protect®.
At Plan to Protect® we are heartbroken to have Tori leave our team for she has made tremendous contributions to Plan to Protect® including the development of our on-line school www.plantoprotectschool.com, our on-line certification training, the development of our second level certification training, our Crisis Management Certification course, redesign of our website, and launch of PROTECT magazine. Her passion, dedication and creativity have made a lasting impact – she will be dearly missed.
But we are also thrilled and overjoyed to see the calling on her life to protect 500 missionary children and nationals that live in a boarding school setting away from their parents. We know her education and experience will have such a significant impact on an institution that is 100+ years old, employs many staff, and serves many families, denominations, mission organizations. (As you can imagine as Tori’s mom, I am really proud of the woman Tori has become).
We have begun the search process to find a candidate to replace Tori. If you are interested in reviewing the job posting, please check out the career section of our website.
If Tori has made an impact on you or your organization, would you consider taking a moment during the next few months to drop her an email, I am sure will encourage her heart. If you would like to receive Tori’s newsletter, learn more about this new adventure, or how you can help, please send her an email to let her know. Tori's email is tori.bissell@aimint.org
I am sure you will agree with the team of Plan to Protect®, we are very sad to see Tori leave, but eager to hear how Tori applies her knowledge and experience to Rift Valley Academy. We know that Rift Valley Academy will be blessed by her dedication and commitment to safety and protection.